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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  July 12, 2011 12:35am-1:35am PDT

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[ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, man, that's what i'm talking about. that's the crowd i'm talking about. it makes you feel good. welcome. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon," you guys. welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome. we're happy to be back, everybody. i love you too, sir. hey, congratulations to derek jeter for getting his 3,000th hit over the weekend! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ oh, my gosh. and get this. the fan who caught the ball decided to give it back to jeter, even though it was valued at $250,000. [ cheers and applause ] jeter was like, from the bottom of my heart, i just want to say, you are an idiot. [ laughter ] what's wrong with you? what's wrong with you? be set for life." did you see this? over the weekend, anthony weiner
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and his wife celebrated their first anniversary at a steakhouse in miami. [ laughter ] it would have been nice but weiner spent the whole meal playing with his meat and -- [ audience ohs ] "c'mon, just eat your food, don't play with it. [ applause ] just eat it." yeah, they had a really, really sweet anniversary dinner. weiner e-mailed everyone a picture of his big, 8-inch cake. [ laughter ] "cake"? is that right? "cake"? am i reading it right? [ light laughter ] "cake," okay, good. >> steve: cake doesn't have two cs. >> jimmy: it does not have two c's. [ light laughter ] that's why i thought i was reading it wrong. that's why i thought i was reading it wrong. [ applause ] check this out. on saturday, the u.s. had its first national spanish spelling bee. yeah, spanish and spelling, also known as sarah palin's worth nightmare. [ laughter ]
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this isn't good, you guys. the u.s. is now in serious danger of defaulting on our foreign loans, which explains why today, china showed up and broke the statue of liberty's kneecaps. [ laughter ] -- serious. i just saw this. a man was busted at jfk airport for smuggling six pounds of cocaine in his sneakers. [ light laughter ] yeah. that's right, his plan was hiding cocaine in his shoes. you know, those things that you never, ever have to take off at the airport. [ laughter ] "let's get these over here and --" [ laughter ] "i left my wallet back in the car so i gotta -- i gotta get outta here. those aren't my sneakers." [ laughter ] [ applause ] stolen.
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stolen. hey, this is interesting. schools in illinois are dropping the writing portions from their standardized tests. when asked why, a spokesman said, "we simple does not needs them." [ laughter ] this is just insane. on friday, a woman in texas gave birth to a baby boy, weighing in at 16 pounds, 1 ounce. [ audience ohs ] when they did the sonogram, the doctor was like, "i'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl but it's definitely an american." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] [ laughter ] >> steve: [ deep voice ] "goo goo gaga." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he said "goo goo gaga." isn't that cute? >> steve: "i want a shamrock shake." >> jimmy: i think he said he wants a shamrock shake.
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that's so weird. [ light laughter ] i just heard this -- the baby's first words -- "i want a shamrock shake." >> steve: they aren't even in season. >> jimmy: it's hard to get those things. i just heard this. "dancing with the stars" winner, hines ward was arrested for drunk driving this weekend. [ audience aws ] yep. carrie ann gave him a .08, len gave him a .05 and bruno gave him a .10. "you're falling down out of the car! fumbling around the white line! it was beautiful, baby! it was beautiful -- [ applause ] falling down --" and finally, a man in virginia was arrested after he broke into a sex shop and started using a blowup doll. [ audience ohs ] the man was charged with breaking and entering and entering. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots.
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♪ >> jimmy: there you go. whoa, it's good to be back, everybody. brand new for you. we got a great show tonight. big time music star and all-around kickass dude, kid rock is here! [ cheers and applause ] a cool dude. she's the star of syfy's "haven," as well as one of my favorite videogames ever, "uncharted." emily rose is stopping by! [ cheers and applause ] very pretty, very cool. and we've got music. i don't know if any of guys are just one crazy drugs or what's going on. [ light laughter ] but these dudes are gonna freak your bean. [ laughter ] >> audience member: nice! >> jimmy: yeah, they got light shows. two dudes, moogs. it's nuts. panda bear is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] and it is good.
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>> steve: prescription drugs. >> jimmy: right. of course. medication. dr. feelgood. now, obviously president obama has been in the news a lot lately. and the one thing i have learned about president obama. i notice that he has a very expressive face. you know, it's like he has thousands of different facial expressions, like for one for every occasion. like, you all know the classics. like, this one, here. this is the determined, yet hopeful. [ light laughter ] there are tons more that you just don't see as often. you can almost tell what he's thinking just by looking at his face. so i thought tonight we'd take a look at some of his lesser-known facial expressions in a segment we call "obama expressions." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] now, take a look at this first expression. this is from a recent white house event. [ laughter ] this is the "you want a piece of this? you want a piece of this"? this next expression is from a
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fundraising event with vice president biden. [ laughter ] this is the "yep, definitely hair plugs." [ laughter ] here's another lesser-known expression comes out every once in a while. it's called the "i love a big mouth full of weiner." [ laughter ] [ audience ohs ] >> steve: it's a hot dog. >> jimmy: man enjoys hot dog, yeah. >> steve: yeah. it's american. it's apple pie. >> jimmy: yeah. he should've have had apple pie. >> steve: yeah. no. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: here's another. this is from obama's meeting with former california governor, arnold schwarzenegger. this is the "dad?" [ laughter ] this expression is one of my favorites. i call it the, "ha ha ha ha, tase her." [ laughter ]
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here's another expression from a couple months ago, when obama met the queen of england. this is the "i loved you in 'titanic.'" [ laughter ] >> steve: [ as an old lady ] "and then my jewel fell off the boat. [ laughter ] and i saved a naked picture of myself." >> jimmy: "here's a naked picture of myself when i was --" >> steve: [ as bill paxton ] "oh, lady, i don't want to see that." that was bill paxton. >> jimmy: that's a pretty good bill paxton. "oh lady, get those away from me. i don't want to see that." [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: here's another lesser-known facial expression. [ laughter ] this is called the "oh my god, please don't eat my face. [ laughter ] please! ah!" here's another lesser-known expression. take a look at this one. this is the "what are you smiling at, dip [ bleep ]?" [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]
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here's one from a joint news conference with canadian prime minister steven harper. this is the "pretending to pay attention while actually thinking about the 1990's tgif sitcom, 'family matters.'" [ laughter and applause ] here's another one, from the same conference. this is the "man, 'family matters' was such a great show. [ light laughter ] you got carl winslow, you got harriette, eddie, laura, the other sister that disappeared after two seasons and, of course, urkel." [ applause ] classic. here's another of my favorites. this one's here's the "oh and then there was eddie's friend, that really dumb but lovable guy. what was his name again? oh yeah -- waldo. waldo geraldo faldo. he was definitely the 'biden' of 'family matters,' he he he." [ light laughter ] this next one --
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this one's called the "remember the episode where urkel builds the transformation chamber? [ laughter ] and he alters his dna and when he comes out he's cool and suave instead of nerdy? and instead of steve urkel, his name is stefan urquelle? and then, laura's suddenly interested in him because he's cool? but then, later in the episode, laura realizes that stefan is kind of a jerk and wants to change it back to the regular, nerdy steve. he he he, good times." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] man, that must have been an interesting -- from his face, you can tell. must have been an interesting meeting. here's another. this is the -- [ light laughter ] "speaking of urkel, i wish i had a transformation chamber. i bet i can ask the cia to build me one and they'd have to do it. [ laughter ] then i could transform into a cooler version of myself. except my name would still be pronounced 'barack obama,' 'cause let's face it, barack obama is a pretty kickass name. [ applause ] actually, on second thought, i don't need a transformation chamber at all. because honestly, how can you make me any cooler than i already am?
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stefan urquelle has nothing on me! i've got a beautiful wife. i'm friends with oprah. i'm the president of the united states and, um, wait, there's one other thing i did. i forget, what was it again? oh yeah, i got osama bin laden, dammit! [ cheers and applause ] to quote urkel, "did i do that?" yes. yes i did. in conclusion, 'family matters' rules." amazing that he can convey that all -- [ cheers and applause ] he loves "family matters." and finally, one last obama expression, from the recent golf summit with john boehner and joe biden. this is the "check out the dimples on biden's balls." there you go. you have it. those are some great facial expressions. stick around. we'll be right back with "freestylin' with the roots." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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♪ hey, dad, you think i could drive? i'll tell you what -- when we stop to fill it up. ♪
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♪ [ son ] you realize, it's gotta run out sometime. [ male announcer ] jetta tdi clean diesel. the turbo that gets 42 miles per gallon. ♪ aflac! oh, i've just got major medical... major medical. ...but it helps pay the doctors. pays the doctors, boyyy! [ quack ] oh yeah? what about your family? ♪ we added aflac, so we get cash! it's like our safety net... ♪ to help with the mortgage or whatever we need! so my family doesn't feel the pain too. ha! [ male announcer ] help protect your family at pigeons ] heyyy! hooo!!! now?! [ female announcer ] crest whitestrips two hour express. in just two hours you can have a noticeably whiter smile that lasts for months. hi. hi. [ female announcer ] two hour whitestrips from crest. life opens up when you do.
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♪ ♪ discover the next generation of deodorant. new dove men + care. combines the power of 48 hour protection plus our caring 1/4 moisturizer technology. introducing a deodorant that is tough on sweat, not on skin. new dove men + care deodorant. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody.
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our show is lucky to have the greatest band in all of late night. the roots, right there, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] the roots. but it isn't all fun and games. from time to time, we put the roots to the test. we pick people from our audience sometimes and have the roots make up songs about them on the spot. it's time for "freestylin' with the roots." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ time to freestyle with the roots ♪ >> jimmy: you guys ready to do this? >> questlove: yes. >> jimmy: all right, here we go. very good. let's pick someone. raise your hand if you want the roots to sing a song about you. [ cheers and applause ] let's go right here. come on, stand up. stand up. very, very nice. how are you? >> can i hold this? >> jimmy: yeah, hold that guy. >> okay. >> jimmy: all right. what's your name? >> my name's christina but everybody calls me cookie. [ laughter ] i'm only 17. everybody relax.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. i don't know if i have to ask anymore questions. i think that's enough to -- cookie, where are you from? >> long island. >> jimmy: long island. very good. long island. and what are your summer vacation plans? >> i don't know. nobody wants to hire me, so -- sitting at home and doing nothing. sorry. >> jimmy: wait, so what do you mean? hire you for what? >> for a job. anything, i've got looking for a job, like, all summer. and nobody wants to hire me. so -- [ audience aws ] thank you. >> jimmy: i think there's an opening at the "jersey shore" t-shirt shop. i think there's like five spots open. so hanging around, doing nothing, is that right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you watching tv or anything? >> um -- only this show. >> jimmy: thanks. [ laughter ] i'm not giving you a job, cookie, all right. [ laughter ] we don't have --
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>> damn it. >> jimmy: hey roots, we have our pal here, christina but everyone calls her cookie. she's 17, everybody relax. [ laughter ] she is from long island and this summer, she's just hanging around, looking for a job. yeah. she wants to get her a job. so, roots, can we do this song in the style of kesha? like a pop? [ laughter ] c'mon, you can do it, like a poppy -- >> questlove: all right, give me a second. all right. ♪ >> o.c. love let me get some air horns on this. [ air horns ] [ laughter ] there it is. all right. ♪ went to the jimmy fallon show in new york city ♪ >> what up, girl? ♪ blackthought was making synth just like his name was diddy ♪ ♪ cookie's hanging out with the band she came here from long island ♪
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♪ she said sittin' at home and doin' nothin' were her summer plans ♪ ♪ get it bop, make it hot look around, here we are brush my teeth with a dvr ♪ ♪ we got cookie -- doug e fresh says oh e oh e oh oh e oh e oh ♪ get it! [ air horns ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: good luck. you'll get a job. you'll be good. it will be all good. let me go through here, cut through here. how are you doing? [ light laughter ] how are you doing, buddy? i think that's keenan, down the street. [ laughter ] how's it going? how are you? stand on up. sorry. excuse me. you can stay standing if you want to. you just volunteered and you didn't even know it. [ laughter ] sorry, it's too late. here we go. thanks for being polite. here we go. what is your name? >> it's katrina. >> jimmy: katrina. do people call you cookie? [ laughter ] katrina.
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summertime. which do you prefer, pool or the beach? >> pool. i don't like the sand. >> jimmy: [ british accent ] "you don't like the sand." okay. [ laughter ] pool, yeah -- [ british accent ] she just don't like sand. now, what -- what is your favorite think about the pool? [ laughter ] >> um -- there's no sand. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there is no sand in the pool. and that's why you love the pool. [ british accent ] with no sand at all. okay. roots, we have katrina here, very polite. katrina, in the summertime, she loves the pool because -- [ british accent ] she can't have sand. [ laughter ] she can't have sand. one of her favorite thing about the pool is the fact there is no sand in the pool at all. but for this next one, roots, i want to challenge you. maybe could you do it in like a country, honky-tonk type of like, conway twitty type of thing? >> questlove: dallas-y? >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪
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♪ never knew the stars shine in the sky so bright never knew katrina would volunteer tonight ♪ ♪ she doesn't like the sand in the pool so she likes just the pool ♪ ♪ her favorite thing about it is there's no sand so i said, "okay, cool" ♪ listen ♪ no sand in the pool that's the golden rule i think katrina's from somewhere overseas ♪ ♪ and that's really cool that's really cool no sand in the pool that's the golden rule ♪
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♪ and you're here with jimmy and the legendary roots crew ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very good. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you wanna go, buddy? let's go, let's go, let's go. come on up. how are you doing, buddy? nice to see you. >> i'm good. >> jimmy: very, very good. now, what is your name? >> my name is clay. >> jimmy: clay, does anyone call you cookie? >> no. [ laughter ] absolutely not. >> jimmy: clay, it's hot in new york city. what's your favorite thing to eat on a hot summer day? >> um, yogurt. [ laughter ] frozen yogurt. >> jimmy: oh, okay. yeah, thank you. i was gonna say, that's pretty gross. okay. sorry. frozen yogurt -- that's much better. yeah, yeah, yeah. you're very quick. you gotta wash it down with something. what's your favorite summertime drink of choice? don't say tea and then iced tea. [ laughter ] >> cold beer. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. [ cheers and applause ]
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cold beer. you guys, we got my man clay, over here. in the summer, he likes to eat a little frozen yogurt. a little fro-yo. [ light laughter ] and wash it down with a tall glass of cold beer. but this last one, since it's so hot -- how about some hot disco? >> questlove: all right. hang on. hang on. ♪ oh baby. all right. that's it. ♪ when it's hot, it feels so right you know it can't be wrong ♪ ♪ my man clay spend all his summer days in his frozen yogurt home ♪ ♪ and then he like to wash it down with a couple of ice cold brews ♪ ♪ and listen to the roots playing ice cold disco grooves ♪ come on. ♪ oh baby
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you feel so good to me ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: thank you very much. that was incredible. thanks to my audience. thank you to the roots, right there. we'll be right back with kid rock. come on! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ the bestthis summer? i'm gonna say...leading the way with's only the best-selling brand in america... get behind the wheel of a ford escape... with quality that can't be beat by toyota. escape offers 28 miles per gallon on the highway... and hands- sfryncee technology... so when's the best time to geta great deal? oh that's easy too...right now. now during the ford best place to be sales event get an escape with 0% financing plus $500 dollars cash back. the ford best place to be sales event. it's a great place to be. so who will be the last man standing? cubby, add the wolverines! [ growling ] new everest from degree has a fresh scent and twice the sweat-blocking power.
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still looks cool and dry! new everest from degree. you know that comes with a private island. really? no. it comes with a hat. you see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it? but that won't happen with the capital one venture card. you can book any airline anytime. hey, i just said that. after all, isn't traveling hard enough? ow. [ male announcer ] to get the flights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's okay. i've played a pilot before. i bet it could last through some artsy foreign film. good idea. let's go. did i just say that out loud? [ female announcer ] feel fresh up to 5 times longer with scope outlast. still feeling fresh? oh, yeah. [ female announcer ] what will you outlast?
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest has sold millions of albums, including his latest "born free," which was recently certified platinum. you can catch him this summer on his headlining tour, along with special guest sheryl crow. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome kid rock! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> thanks. >> jimmy: my man, kid rock. look at this cover here. i like this. is this a real car? is this -- >> that car was --
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no joke, that was hank williams jr. 15th birthday present from his mother. [ audience ohs ] >> jimmy: oh my gosh. so it's like -- like engraved leather with a gun holster? >> i believe they call that hand tooled, jimmy. >> jimmy: oh, is that right? "hand tooled"? yeah, i don't engrave. i'm from new york. we don't have any of that stuff. hand tooled leather with a couple holsters. >> there was a guy -- there was a guy, nudie, that used to do those cars. made a lot of the western clothes and stuff. i think he did around 20 of those cars for people like elvis and webb pierce and just a lot of the country stars and whatnot. >> jimmy: webb pierce. oh, i love webb pierce. >> it's definitely a looker when you go out cruising in it. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. do you own this? >> yeah, i got it now. >> jimmy: that's your car? >> oh my gosh. now, is this in detroit? 'cause i know you're a detroit guy. >> um hm. >> audience member: all right, detroit! >> jimmy: yeah, absolutely. you got one person out there. [ laughter ] i love detroit. what a beautiful place. i love it. [ laughter ] i love it. i had the best time. we chat -- i'm serious. the people of detroit are so nice. >> are you telling jokes? >> jimmy: no, i'm not. i'm being serious. [ laughter ] i had the best time. i went out there with -- i shot a movie out there and -- i mean it's so sad what's going on with the economy and everything out there but i had the greatest
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time, the nicest people. >> there's definitely -- the people there -- there's more style there. you know, just -- when you get some of the characters in a room together down there for like, the motown 50th, which i was a part of, and some other things like that, i mean, there's just nothing that's more colorful, more with style, more -- the people there just know how to dust themselves off when they been kicked down, get back up and work hard. and they love music. the rock n' roll culture, history, cars, it's -- you know, i'm proud to be from there. >> jimmy: you do so much stuff for detroit and i think -- i don't speak clearly for detroit but thank you for doing that because it's -- it's a cool city. i don't want it to -- i hate to see anyone hurting. but i mean, there's like these gorgeous mansions and -- >> oh yeah. >> jimmy: i mean, just -- it's like unbelievable. and like, these art kids are buying them for like ten bucks. >> that's the thing. if you wanna -- if you're a starving artist, you know, if you're a photographer, painter, musician or something, it's kind of the place to be right now. you can live, you know, for pennies and -- >> jimmy: it's a giant art scene over there. it's a really -- yeah, it's really -- >> developed. >> jimmy: creative. so you're -- is your kid there as well or no? >> yeah, yeah, i'm about 40 miles north. >> jimmy: oh yeah? >> um hm. >> jimmy: is he going to school there? >> he's actually going to attend
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college in nashville. >> jimmy: is he really? oh, no. >> the fact he's going to college -- i'm like -- [ whispers ] "who are you?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh my god. who are you, where'd you come from? >> no, it -- this would be something you would literally talk behind my back on. if you met my son, you'd be like -- [ whispers ] "i can't believe that's kid rock's kid." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he's going to college. >> i couldn't be more proud of him. he's so well-mannered, such a great kid. i mean, he got a speeding ticket. i was finally like -- "whew." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he's mine! he's mine! >> evidence. evidence. >> jimmy: maury povich comes out and says, "yeah, congratulations." >> "you're the father." >> jimmy: "you're the father," yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] that's awesome. >> i like maury. i like my stories. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, absolutely. nashville is fun place too, though. >> i love nashville. >> jimmy: oh man, nashville's amazing. but i mean, that's another place i just love. that just stays open all night. >> it does. it's a great place to go down and go honky-tonking. great musicians there, players. people couldn't be any nicer. it's a great spot.
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>> jimmy: well, man, with -- with "born free," you did do a little kind of nashville. a lot of -- a little country on here. a little bit more than usual. i know you mix it up. >> i think -- i think i just look confused. >> jimmy: no, no, no, the album cover is great. no, you definitely look confused on the album. i mean, the album itself, though. the cd is great. but i mean, you got a bunch of special guests. you got sheryl crow again. you did another song with sheryl. >> yeah, sheryl. bob seger played piano on that track, "collide." >> jimmy: that was fun. >> there's one with martina mcbride and t.i., which is actually the next single, called "care," coming out in a few weeks. and rick rubin produced it. >> yeah. >> jimmy: now, he's not known for country, is he? oh, i guess johnny cash. >> johnny cash is pretty country. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: recent, though. i mean, he's more known for beastie boys and those guys, i guess. -- chili peppers, but he's amazing. how's rick rubin? you guys ever worked together? >> we've been friends for some time now but this is the first time we actually said, "all right, let's work together." and it was a -- quite a step outside my comfort zone. i'm usually used to my own studio there and the property and -- kind of milling around, doing what i want, whenever i want. and this is kind of, you know, just letting him have the reins, what have you and just took me
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out of my comfort zone but it's a great experience, just to be in a room with so many great players, really focused on the songs and no trickery, no quick tracks, no big overdubs. just to really play it like a band and like it feels. >> jimmy: the one thing i want to say too about this is i know it went platinum but the one thing you do that a lot of artists don't do is that you're not available on the itunes. [ light laughter ] because of choice, you don't? you don't want to be available on itunes? >> i just don't like being told what to do. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, cool. [ applause ] do you wanna go to commercial or -- it's up to you. >> i'll tell you a quick story. i think this sums up -- like i appreciate apple. i've bought stock in apple and just that i -- and i'm probably not somebody that you wanna take. i'm probably not somebody that you wanna take stock tips from. i did it but you know -- you know, steve jobs runs it the way he wants it. "this is my company, i started it, i built it big, i run it the way i want, i do things the way i want. if you don't like it, screw you." and i'm like, "i can relate to that." >> jimmy: oh, there you go.
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i want to know if you want to play a game when we come back? again, it's up to you. [ laughter and applause ] maybe a little horseshoes when we come back? >> horseshoes? >> jimmy: yeah. >> bring it. >> jimmy: all right, let's do it when we come back. kid rock, everybody. -- horseshoes. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ male announcer ] sprint changes the game again with america's first 3d phone. now anyone can watch and shoot video in 3d. cut, guys. uh, we're not making effective use of the 3d technology. i think i can help. you stand over there in front of daddy. volley for serve. what was that?! that was 3d gold. that's what that was. [ male announcer ] let's make homemade 3d the next big thing. the new htc evo 3d. no glasses required. ♪ all together now ♪ only from sprint. trouble hearing on the phone? visit ♪
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mmm. oh gosh. oh dear.
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big deal. you're delicious. so what. i've got news for you. there's no such thing... a bear sheriff. you think i'm afraid of you? hey what? you don't have to be mean to the cake. i do. you don't. i do. just eat yoplait light. they have great flavors like... boston cream pie, raspberry cheesecake. even though i work here, i've lost weight. wow. yeah. carry on. (announcer) 28 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] welcome back, everybody. i'm here with the great kid rock. and we're going head to head in horseshoes. we each have a set of horse shoes, and we'll take turns throwing. you get one point for being close, two for a leaner, three for a ringer, deciding who gets points is our esteemed horseshoe judge, tariq trotter. right there. [ cheers and applause ] thank you tariq. now, you can't play horse shoes without beer, so what do we have here? what did you bring? >> it's my beer from michigan, bad-ass beer. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. >> i don't know a lot about a lot of things, but i know about music and beer. >> jimmy: so it's from michigan, it's an import. [ light laughter ] here we go. do you want to go first? >> i guess. >> jimmy: go for it buddy. ♪ >> are you insinuating anything by this? >> jimmy: no. tariq, want to measure that out? >> that's a point.
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>> one point. [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: oh, kind of a leaner. [ laughter ] leaning out of the box. >> negative one. [ audience oohs ] >> jimmy: nice. >> i can't have you beat me, i'm going to totally lose my street cred. >> jimmy: oh my god. >> my hillbilly cred. >> jimmy: in the horseshoe committee? >> yeah. uh-oh. [ audience oohs ] >> jimmy: i get one there, tariq? >> it's good. >> jimmy: yeah? >> 2-1? >> jimmy: two to one. [ applause ] >> let me ding one on here. ♪ [ audience oohs ] [ light laughter ] [ cheers ] >> jimmy: good put on that one. >> that was good. >> jimmy: i didn't get one. >> good rotation. >> no good. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: what are you saying, man? come on man. >> i think he's measuring wrong, by the way. >> jimmy: no. >> you're supposed to measure like that. you go out like this. >> you want to throw horseshoes? >> that's not how we play horseshoes in philly, man. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, that's not how we play -- that's the way we play here man. indoor horseshoes, different rules. >> this isn't 40 feet. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it looks like it on camera. [ laughter ] [ cheers ] that's a good one. [ applause ] [ laughter ] oh, my god. >> hey, you can't say you didn't learn something, right? [ laughter ] [ audience oohs ] >> jimmy: all right. we're down to -- what's the score here? can i win here at all? [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: ready to go. 3-1, i can just get a ringer. >> if i get a point, you can only tie. [ audience oohs ]
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>> jimmy: that was almost a ringer, but almost is not good enough. [ laughter ] come on fallon, let's do this! [ drum roll ] [ audience oohs ] [ sad tuba ] the winner, everybody, kid rock! [ cheers ] check him out on tour in a city near you this summer. emily rose joins us next. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ the new blackberry playbook. it runs all this at the same time. ♪ why can't every tablet do that?
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of a subway® bbq pulled pork sub. brace yourself for the big, bold taste tender, succulent slow-cooked pork with sweet and smoky barbecue sauce, all on freshly baked bread. subway. eat fresh®. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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our next guest is a talented actress who is starring on the popular syfy show "haven" which returns for its second season this friday at 10:00 p.m. say hello to emily rose, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: come on, now. >> thank you. >> jimmy: emily rose, such a beautiful name, emily rose. >> thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: but, there's a scary horror movie -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: -- called "the exorcism of emily rose." >> yes. >> jimmy: it's not based on you at all is it? >> not me. no exorcism required here. none at all. >> jimmy: okay, okay. very, very good. >> yes. my mom is really happy, though. she figures when you use like the google machine, as we refer to it, you know. >> jimmy: thanks mom. >> yes, i know. >> jimmy: the google machine. >> that when you look me up on google, you get all the exorcism stuff. it's kind of a layer of protection. >> she's like, then people have to poke around to figure out who you are. so, i think that's a good thing.
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>> jimmy: awe. i think that's cute, mom. >> yeah, it's perfect. >> jimmy: actually, i did some research on you. i checked out your twitter, and everything. and i saw that you're a big scooter rider? >> i am a big scooter rider. >> jimmy: like a vespa rider? >> well, i'm not for a vespa quite yet. i just got a stella. a genuine stella scooter. it looks like a vespa, it's fantastic. it's blue. it's very pretty. but we do have a scooter gang in l.a. >> jimmy: a scooter gang? >> yes, and we -- >> jimmy: it sounds kind of frightening. yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] >> yeah, it's pretty frightening. >> jimmy: what do you guys do? what does the gang do? >> we take -- [ laughter ] -- we take road trips to places really dangerous, like chick-fil-a. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's pretty dangerous. >> yeah. >> jimmy: high in calories, but a delish sandwich though. >> yeah. you don't want to like, tip over afterwards. >> jimmy: why chick-fil-a? why? >> you know, i have a group of fantastic southern friends, and they just love their chick-fil-a, and we will do anything to do chick-fil-a. so we take like a 40 minuet trip, right, to chick-fil-a. [ applause ] >> jimmy: chick-fil-a is a tasty sandwich. >> i know. >> jimmy: i mean, it's like a chicken -- deep-fried chicken on like a hamburger bun. >> yeah. i go for the nuggets and the
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strips, but the sandwiches, fantastic. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. and do you have a -- you have a gang name? >> we -- right now our gang name is the rowdies, that's what we're entertaining. >> jimmy: you're really rowdy -- [ laughter ] >> i know. >> jimmy: can i have an extra-large coke? [ laughter ] give it to me! >> but, we're entertaining other names. >> jimmy: you are? >> yeah. do you have any suggestions? >> jimmy: the deep-fryers? [ laughter ] make you could do like a cfa for the chick-fil-a. >> fantastic. >> the chicks-fil-a, are they all girls? >> no, we have a few guys in our scooter gang. >> jimmy: oh boy, watch out. [ laughter ] >> yes, look out. >> jimmy: watch out for those guys. yeah, they're the ones to look out for. yeah, yeah. >> you don't want to mess with them. >> jimmy: don't mess with a man on a light blue scooter. nope. [ laughter ] that's what i've always said. hey, i want to ask you about "uncharted" because i'm obsessed with these games. >> are you? >> jimmy: this is my favorite video game. >> it's so fun. >> jimmy: it's my favorite video game. "legend of zelda" was my favorite, this overtook it. "uncharted 2," on the sony -- on the playstation. >> fantastic. >> jimmy: this is you here in the game there. >> that's me.
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>> jimmy: i mean, it's one of the most fun games. it's like you're in a movie and controlling the all characters. how cool is that? >> yeah, triangle, triangle, triangle. >> jimmy: yeah, that's it. triangle, triangle, triangle, yeah. >> yeah, to push to open doors and things. >> jimmy: here's you, but you motion capture. you have like ping-pong balls all over you and all that stuff. >> that's my ball suit as i like to refer to it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: whoa, watch it. [ laughter ] wait a second. was he holding a pool noodle? >> yes, he holding -- [ laughter ] he was. >> jimmy: this is a really dangerous game, you guys. i never got to that level before. when drake was in the deep end of the pool. >> yeah. >> jimmy: -- and needs to be. >> it's pretty crazy. >> jimmy: but "uncharted 3" is coming out -- >> it's coming out november 11th. and i'm so honored to be a part of it. it was the first job i got out of school. and to, you know, be able to do a motion capture suit and play on these like make-believe, you know, big boxes and things. and have the computer record everything you're doing, it's so much fun. >> jimmy: is it practice for "haven"? like, when you get on the set of -- because that's a lot of --
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>> it is. you know, you have to do just a ton of imagining things. you just hope, you're praying to everybody. you're like, please make this look good. please. >> jimmy: yeah, it's a cool show. it's based on a stephen king novel. but, do you want to tell everyone about? >> yeah. it's this fantastic little novel, called "the colorado kid." in "haven," i play this fbi agent that comes to town looking for, like a routine case. and when she gets there, the town is more creepy, and i don't know why people stay to be honest. because things are really freaky there. >> jimmy: almost like supernatural, like roofs blown off homes. the woman can't stop. >> yeah. >> jimmy: lighting things on fire. >> yeah. little kids' nightmares kind of come to reality, and i have to talk a kid off the ledge, you know. and just say sweet nothings in his ear, you know? >> jimmy: yeah. it's a really fun show. >> yeah. >> jimmy: we have a clip of the show on syfy. here's "haven," here's emily rose. >> nathan, when the chief of police dies, people tend to notice. >> i'm dealing with it. >> he's in a cooler in your car. >> got some weather blowing in. i guess we should get her down to the station. >> or we could talk about it
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later. >> what was that? >> it's rain. just regular old -- ♪ >> jimmy: it's raining frogs. [ cheers ] there you go. "haven" airs fridays at 10:00 p.m. on syfy. emily rose, everybody. panda bear preforms next. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ female announcer ] they've been off limits to dieters
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since time began. not anymore. ♪ fiber one is bringing brownies back. at 90 calories, the only thing between you and chocolaty brownies is a nicely designed package. ♪ now you can have brownies again. new fiber one 90 calorie brownies. in the granola bar aisle.
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and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ ♪ there it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points.
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what's your story? citi can help you write it. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a founding member of the influential band animal collective. tonight he's making his tv debut with us as a solo artist, to perform "you can count on me" from his new album "tomboy." please welcome panda bear. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ know you can count on me know you can count on me know you can count on me to get so up for it ♪ ♪ know you can count on me know you can count on me ♪ know you can count on me i'll be so up for it know at least i'll try
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who are you ♪ ♪ if you're not up for it where are you if i'm not up for it want to put ♪ ♪ a bubble around you like a force field switch keep you secure just a little bit ♪ ♪ but i know a secret child is just a silly trick who grows up to lose that force field switch ♪ ♪ in between a hands on and a hands off apprenticeship where are you ♪ ♪ if i'm not up for it i'll wake up for it kn


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